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Westdale United Church

A warm place to find yourself.

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Westdale United ChurchWestdale United Church

The congregation of Westdale United Church lives into its 3rd decade with a continued vibrancy that was obviously evident when it all began with such devoted members!

Westdale is located in the growth area of ‘suburban’ west Peterborough, and evolved with a sense of mission to serve the neighbourhood’s mid-week groups (see groups) and Sunday worship needs.  In subsequent years, Westdale has come to serve the wider city and county as a gathering place for diverse service and self interest groups.

Westdale United Church prides itself in offering a warm place in which to find yourself through a welcoming and inviting atmosphere for people of all ages and stages of life.  The congregation continues to be robust and sustains a healthy level of attendance.  Sunday worship often includes musical presentations, special guest speakers, multi-media presentations and intergenerational participation.

The Christian Development Committee of Westdale United Church is dedicated to providing our members and the community a holistic program that offers spiritual, social, learning, leisure, wellness and outreach experiences.

The Mission Statement of Westdale United Church states,  ‘ As a Christian community, we seek to honour God and to care for one another daily.  We are called to live our faith and to grow spiritually by learning and applying the teachings of the scriptures.’

Members have come to believe in their church and in their faith providing them with an anchor which guides their lives and calls them in the Way of Jesus Christ to work toward hope, justice and peace for all of creation.  Come in and join the journey of faith and spiritual growth!