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Westdale United Church

A warm place to find yourself.

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Board & Working Committees

Unified Board Of Directors


  • Sharla Trudell (Chair)
  • Ashley LeBel (Past Chair)
  • Girv Devitt (Treasurer)
  • Stephanie MacDonald (Ministry & Personnel)
  • Caroline deHaan (Worship & Music)
  • Karen Lukaszewicz (Finance & Stewardship)
  • Gail LeBel (Membership)
  • Ross Fitchett (Property)
  • Paul Mitchell & Kim Fenton (Event Coordination Co-Chairs)
  • Janice Davis (Mission & Outreach)
  • Ian Moffat (Health & Safety)

Recording Secretary:

  • Tania MacLeod


  • Heather Josephs
  • Ian Moffat

Board of Trustees: 

  • Kathy McDermid (Chair)
  • Sharla Trudell (Secretary)
  • Ian Moffat
  • Terry Dunford
  • Bruce Thompson

Offering and Stewardship Secretary: 

  • Sharla Trudell

Working Committees

The M & P Committee is a confidential, consultative committee that is responsible for the clergy and lay staff of the church. The committee supports the Church Board, the church community, church staff and volunteers on personnel matters. The committee also serves as a confidential forum for the church community to provide input from the congregation on staff related issues.

Plan and direct the total programming of faith study of children/youth.

Plan and direct intergenerational programming for congregation and community at large under the headings of:  Social, Spiritual, Learning, Leisure & Wellness, Outreach (in partnership with Mission & Outreach committee).

Manage all matters pertaining to finance, prepare and present the annual budget, prepare Narrative budget for Annual Congregational Report as well initiate, organize and promote regular special appeals for financial stewardship.

The committee co-ordinates the maintenance, minor renovations, cleaning and improvements of the land, buildings and contents of the Church.  Also, the committee oversees the establishment of rental fees and the control of the distribution of keys through the role of the Administrative Assistant.


The committee reviews any major changes in the order of worship as planned by the minister and music director.  It is also the responsibility of the committee to review the list of special worship for the coming year and approve or suggest changes if necessary. 

The worship committee assists the Administrative Assistant with a schedule of lay readers for each worship as well as a list of elders for each communion and ensures that all the roles within communion worship are fulfilled by elders.   It is the responsibility of the committee to arrange for pulpit supply in the minister’s absence.   The committee confers with the music director should there be any concerns or special arrangements with regard to the supply of music.